Submissions for the church bulletin must be made two weeks in advance (excluding December, March and April where three weeks are needed). Articles should be sent sent in Microsoft Word format (.docx or .doc). The parish staff reserves the right to post announcements based on overall communication priorities for the parish. Outside-the-parish articles will only run if space is available and at the discretion of the pastor. Parish news will take precedent.
Send bulletin items to Denise Collins. Please include the parish form along with your submission.
Please send proposed altar announcements to Christine Sudano. Include the date, time and place of your event, as well as a contact person with name, phone number and email address, along with event details. You may write the information in the email itself or attach it as a file in Word format (.docx, .doc). Please include the parish form along with your submission.
Please send information and events for the parish website to Christine Sudano. Include the date, time and place of your event, as well as a contact person with name, phone number and email address, along with event details. You may write the information in the email itself or attach it as a file in Word format (.docx, .doc).